Erin’s are the most enjoyable people you will ever meet. They have a smile that can light up a room and always laugh at everything, even if it’s not meant to be funny. She is crazy and hella weird. But Erin’s normally have really bad self esteem about their body and what others think. She often hides her sadness with a huge smile and laugh. She is a very polite girl that will always back up her family and friends, which mean the world to her. Erin is always willing to share and put others before her self. If your ever mad at an Erin, remember all the reasons you love her. They are the sweetest people and so trustworthy and will always support you. Erin’s tend to be very talkative and loud, but always want to make you feel better. Erin’s are great people to talk to and won’t stop until their friends are happy. Seeing their smile and their blue eyes light up are some of the best things.
Erin’s are the best friends
A pocket pussy that talks.
Bro did that pocket pussy just say something??
Nah it's just Erin
A pocket pussy that knows english.
Hey bro...did your pocket pussy just speak?
Nahh it's just an Erin.
Erin is the mom of her friends/group. She’s responsible, mature and full of adventure. You can always rely on her to be there with a bag of chips and some chocolate when you’re going through a tough time. Just as you can bet she’s there with a huge smile and a warming hug for all of her friends achievements. You don’t go out looking for an Erin, you’ll be blessed with one if you’re lucky enough. Not everyone deserves what she has to offer so if you have an Erin in your life, treasure and love her.
Person 1: “She lights the room and mood when she walks in”
Person 2: “Is that Erin?”
Person 1: “Who else would it be?”
Someone who is cool smart and tough he is a great person. And he is very very funny
Omg is that Erin he is so cool
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