my term of it is basically a person who is always hated, left out or just unkown
john is a figment of existence.
It is a mental illness where the patient suffers from supressed sexual urges, suicidal thoughts and the gayness
Dana d3ara has non-existant disorder
Jack Tilney. No other words needed. Xx
Jack Tilney is the prettiest boy to ever exist.
Jack Tilney. No other words needed xx
Jack Tilney is the prettiest boy to ever exist
Pee is stored in the balls and math doesn't exist E E mean that whoever pees outside and in basements and workout the most, wins. It's about peeing everywhere and the balls.
Shredded Dave: *Pees behind tree.
Buff Tony: *Pees in a basement
Thicc Girls: Ooh. Soo manly.
Dave: Pee is stored in the balls and math doesn't exist E E.
Tony: Pee is stored in the balls and math doesn't exist E E.
Pee is stored in the balls and math doesn't exist E E means that you pee wherever you want, take more cold showers, go to gym and get buffer and buffer, date and get a girlfriend the THICCer the better, and live like a rat. Then math doesn't exist so what matters is balls, not math. Then battling to be the big E E.
Tony: *pees in basements and outside.
Tony: Pee is stored in the balls and math doesn't exist E E!
the worst message you can see on urban dictionary
some other assholes took my definition, so this site has the nerve to say: Oops! this definition already exists