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the fp

the best description for that son of a bitch photographer from the bgnews.
short for flower power
origin: michael metzger, rachel green field

The fp did it again he was in the right place at the right time

by jordan flower October 30, 2006

Hop on FPS Chess

A common term used by femboys to request extreme oral sex

Hey John, wanna hop on FPS Chess?

by Xx_cockbuster_xX February 18, 2024

Fitbit Phantom syndrome or FPS

When you think can't feel your fitbit cause your so use to wearing it , so you have check and feel your wrist , or look down at your wrist.

I had fitbit Phantom syndrome or FPS for a second so had check my wrist.

by Twebster117 January 22, 2018


A money whore companys way of making you able to play BO3.

You must acquire this item from supply crates.

"Wanna play BO3?"
"No I don't have an FPS Key"
"Fucking idiot, learn how to become lucky"

by Aqolloz April 3, 2016