a person who pretends to be a cute French person, this can be a boy or a girl. Normally their fake or like a poser
Ashley: I'm French
Brenden: no, your faux French
Ashley: crap...
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a douche on a futile endeavor for originality who BELIEVES that they are the only one capable of perceiving the satire in obviously atrocious situations.
jennifer lopez: hey did that dick just make fun of your example for a word on urban dictionary because its so redundant?
me: yeah hes a faux-intellectual
17👍 6👎
A French Mo' Fo'
As in: "Hi Mot Faux, I'd like one croissant please."
mot fauxmotfauxmofomotherfuckermother fucker
When your phone says that it has service but it turns out when you try to use it that it doesn't. A combination of 4G and 'faux' for fake.
*Sees 4 bars on phone display*
*Opens web browser, only to find there's no internet*
"Oh darn, looks like my phone has faux g reception right now"
The act of mistakenly saying goodbye too early to someone who is walking the same way as you.
Dude 1: cool, see you next time!
Dude 2: yeah! Have a good one
... *walks in same direction*...
Dude 1: oh you’re headed to the station too?
Dude 2: oh sh*t! Guess that was a faux revoir
Dude 1: it’s only awkward if we let it be
Fear of missing out on imagined fun you think everyone else is having.
Dave: I never get invited out to anything anymore.
Lauren: Like what?
Dave: You know, parties and stuff. Down the pub or nights out.
Lauren: Mate, you have a serious case of the faux mo. I'm not sure what you think we're all doing, but I can assure you I spend most of my weekends falling asleep in front of the TV with a bottle of wine, only to wake up and find the dog licking my toes.
fō'keɪʃ(ə)n (fo-kay-shun)
A fake vocation.
aka - A false job; generally given in the context of snobbery or ego inflation.
"Jimmy knew he couldn't tell the blonde at the bar he was a bagger at Aldi's, so he gave 'Patent Attorney' as his faux-cation."