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faux French

a person who pretends to be a cute French person, this can be a boy or a girl. Normally their fake or like a poser

Ashley: I'm French

Brenden: no, your faux French

Ashley: crap...

by iiluffhellokitty November 11, 2010

23👍 9👎


a douche on a futile endeavor for originality who BELIEVES that they are the only one capable of perceiving the satire in obviously atrocious situations.

jennifer lopez: hey did that dick just make fun of your example for a word on urban dictionary because its so redundant?

me: yeah hes a faux-intellectual

by NXN March 11, 2011

17👍 6👎

mot faux

A French Mo' Fo'

As in: "Hi Mot Faux, I'd like one croissant please."

mot fauxmotfauxmofomotherfuckermother fucker

by gangbanker July 30, 2010

faux g

When your phone says that it has service but it turns out when you try to use it that it doesn't. A combination of 4G and 'faux' for fake.

*Sees 4 bars on phone display*
*Opens web browser, only to find there's no internet*
"Oh darn, looks like my phone has faux g reception right now"

by Ned Burchfiel December 2, 2021

Faux Revoir

The act of mistakenly saying goodbye too early to someone who is walking the same way as you.

Dude 1: cool, see you next time!
Dude 2: yeah! Have a good one

... *walks in same direction*...
Dude 1: oh you’re headed to the station too?
Dude 2: oh sh*t! Guess that was a faux revoir
Dude 1: it’s only awkward if we let it be

by angularmerkel January 27, 2020

Faux Mo

Fear of missing out on imagined fun you think everyone else is having.

Dave: I never get invited out to anything anymore.
Lauren: Like what?
Dave: You know, parties and stuff. Down the pub or nights out.
Lauren: Mate, you have a serious case of the faux mo. I'm not sure what you think we're all doing, but I can assure you I spend most of my weekends falling asleep in front of the TV with a bottle of wine, only to wake up and find the dog licking my toes.

by LouieLouieBigPants February 22, 2019


fō'keɪʃ(ə)n (fo-kay-shun)
A fake vocation.
aka - A false job; generally given in the context of snobbery or ego inflation.

"Jimmy knew he couldn't tell the blonde at the bar he was a bagger at Aldi's, so he gave 'Patent Attorney' as his faux-cation."

by justinrmayfield August 15, 2008