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To convince yourself (and the people around you) of the thought that "everything" used to be better with and about her/him.
Usually triggered after being turned down or a sudden realization of having been single for some time. Often starts of at a bar or cafΓ©, resulting in excessive drinking and pondering.

People suffering from an ex-fetish often bore the people around them with stories from "the old days" when she/he was still around.

Example 1;
Dude #1: Check out the back on that honey!
Dude #2: Meh.. Sara's was much sweeter.
Dude #1: Dude, you didn't even look.. Do I detect an ex-fetish?

Example 2;
Dude #1: Dude, you want a beer?
Dude #2: -Sighs- I remember how Sara really loved her beer. I recall this one day when the both of us decided to..
Dude #1: -cuts off- Ex-fetish alarm! Just shut up and drink your beer!

by WandererMittens January 10, 2009

Toe fetish

A subcategory of foot fetish where the person has sexual desire for the toes specifically.

Ethan - 'I never heard of a toe fetish. I think foot and toe are two different things.'
Harry - 'Ofcourse it is. People lick the bottom the foot rub a foot whereas a toe you gobble on a toe.'

by MyMomsGotToeFetish April 1, 2023

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Emoji Fetish

An emoji fetish is when individuals obtain sexual satisfaction through the explicit use of smartphone emojis. This is often accomplished through text message, but can be used in intimate in-person settings. These individuals may obtain sexual gratification through verbalizing emojis during sexual acts.

"Oh yea baby, I'm gunna 100 underlined emoji three water droplet emoji all over your peach emoji"

"Oh fuck sweating face emoji, it feels so good when you tongue face emoji my eggplant emoji, fire emoji"
"Oh my god it is so fire emoji that you also have an emoji fetish"

by Fin Germee October 5, 2020

Del Fetish

A fetish those that fangirl over Del the Ghost have. Do not confuse Del the Ghost with Del the Funky Homosapien.

Katt: del
Lil Murdoc Niccals: your Del fetish is disgusting

by iimistyy June 12, 2017

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nini fetish

nini fetish - really liking nini, you cant live without her! shes to amazing. you think nini is awesomeπŸ˜‹

β€œi have a nini fetish, she is amazing.”

by xowiek July 7, 2021

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Knee fetish

One of the worst possible fetishes, just look at some pictures

"Hey, I might have a knee fetish" *gunshots in distance*

by NegroMuncher July 9, 2018

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Maddy Fetish

An uncontrollable desire to be with and/or talk to a Maddy all the time. Withdrawal from such activities may result in severe mental and physical injuries.

I have a Maddy fetish for this girl named Maddy. I have to talk to her all the time and when i don't i start feeling sick to the stomach and i get delirious.

by M....C.... Hammer April 18, 2010

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