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Churreros de Fiesta

Party Pooper but in Spanish

Churreros de Fiesta es lo que aon.

by Yabou January 20, 2024

Cockasian fiesta

Proceedings of a long meal coupled with unlimited mimosas. Usually involving caucasians, asians, people of hispanic descent, some action amongst all, and lots of sleep after.

Man...we all ate so much, we need to go take a cockasian fiesta.

by Elvis D. August 17, 2006

Graveyard fiesta

Where two lads partake in munting while also taking fentanyl. Most people try to time it As you finish you also fent fold.

Guy 1: hey susie we are having a graveyard fiesta tonight wanna join?
Susie: fuck that jimmy has been folding over from fent for the last week
Bill: yea and i heard yall went for him next!

by Shmeat pounder86 March 28, 2024

Bitch fiesta

A large group of popular bitches.

Ex: today a bitch fiesta cut me in the lunch line.

by R33s32001 February 26, 2016

Fiesta Party

When twelve Mexicans have sex with the same girl at the same time.

Hey bro I think your mom had a fiesta party last night. Look at all those people in her room.

by leatherneck43 July 23, 2014


The upcoming nonce mobile

Look at that guy with a fiesta

by Aa11bb22cc33 December 21, 2020

Finger Fiesta

A party of women who fingerbang each other kinda like a train and occasionally some deserts can be involved such as whipped cream.

That finger fiesta last night was amazing.

by CreamPuff The Deepthroater March 4, 2018