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Fisher College

Abbreviation for the Max M. Fisher College of Business - The Ohio State University. A Big Ten business school and top-tier MBA program.

New England native: My brother went to Fisher College

Yankees fan: I've tailgated at the horseshoe right next to Fisher. I heard Steinbrenner gave a boatload of cash to Ohio State for the naming rights on the stadium.

New England native: Oh no, it's a small private school in bean town. At the time my parents thought $39,000 per year was a good value.

Yankees fan: Ya didn't really think that one through.

by Collegefootballer March 1, 2011

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Fisher Price

Referring to someone who is hot but under the age of 18. Or something that is not made to last.

Bruh Bruh that sluther right their is hella Fisher Price, fresh off the swings!


Man this plastic watch I got from China is hella Fisher Price.

by 2DotDee July 9, 2011

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fishers island

an extremey preppy summer island (also Year round) that in the summer time gets filled with preppy kids. every way you turn you see blond, wavy hair, pastels, and cliques. the cliques are bad. they suck. its ridiculous, if you don't go for one summer you're not in a group anymore. word spreads like wild fire on this island, it'a little pathetic. "partying" entails breaking into dad's liquor cabinet and sitting at home and drinking either cheap beer or very expensive liquor, or sitting around cars, getting high near a beach then about 5 minutes later getting busted by a bike cop because the neighbor said you were too loud.

some good people though

not a bad place to grow up but gets hella old as you get older and people get meaner

has some redeaming qualities but the people make the place

i used to go to fishers island but then wanted a life.

by past that April 12, 2007

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john fisher

fucking little cunts who think theyre bad cause they smoke weed and think theyre on it but truthfully theyre all pussies and fucking wet, when they leave school theyll either be a fucking gay fraud boy who begs for sex or a postman

'what school does that boy go he thinks hes so cool lol'
' he goes john fisher the fucking gay catholic twat'

by modafukapussyboi June 2, 2019

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Debra Fisher

A mysterious black rose;
Fragrance: Gardenias & Jasmine
Visual: Panther, sleek and glistening
Laugh: Haunting

As in: "rareest of jewels."

by Dragon December 13, 2003

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Erin fisher

a massive slag who puts the milk in the cup of tea before the water

what are you doing mate your such a Erin fisher

by Bmtwysbludkmt September 14, 2019

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Charlie Fisher

A gay wanker with a bad haircut who looks like an IT Nerd and is shit at Modern Warfare

Hey look at that Charlie Fisher
Yeah he has a shit haircut and i heard he was really bad at Modern Warfare as well

by BrodyHasAYeeYeeHaircut November 20, 2019

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