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Florida High-five

A high five given to an unsuspecting person after applying baby powder to ones genitals. It is so-named because hotter, more humid areas necessitate such application to prevent chafing, and also because Florida is America's Wang. This is a relatively easy prank to pull, as a hanging hand is so irresistibly inviting and most people accept the invitation of a high-five without a second thought.

(Person X applies baby powder to scrotum with right hand while Person Y is in the bathroom. Person Y exits bathroom.)

Person X: Dude, we're in Florida! (holds up right hand).

Person Y: Hell yeah we are! (grants high-five).

(A faint cloud of white powder encircles the hands, and Person Y realizes he has been given a Florida High-five.)

by Frank the Fourth July 9, 2010

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Wayside High-five

The slapping of someones ass when they least expect it. causing the other person pain.

Wayside High-five= You go up to a friend who is doing something or not paying attention and slap their ass as hard as you can.

by Big Red T January 27, 2008

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homo high five

Two gay dudes smacking balls

I came home early from work and My roommate was giving another dude the homo high five.

by Shaun ness November 17, 2014

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Australian high five

While double penetrating a girl, the guys nut sacks smack together

When Alex and Dillon where DPing Sally, their balls gave each other an β€œAustralian high five”.

by Wile E. Coyote July 20, 2019

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Hitler High Five

When two nazi feel really good after killin some jews they do something called the hitler high five which is a motion of pointing your hand in the air and smacking ones hand

Nazi 1:"Ve Just Kelled som jewz" nazi 2: "zuck vah brozah" *hitler high five*

by mimict2 November 10, 2020

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High fived the tree

smoking weed(marijuana)...

naw we just hung out and high fived the tree

by MArijuana follower June 30, 2010

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millionaire high five

A high five that is only exchanged with other millionaires

millionaire high five ! just make sure to exclude any poor people

by livingitlarge April 24, 2011

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