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foreskin fart

taking foreskin like a balloon, blowing into it, like a balloon, holding it tightly and then sqeezing the air out.

every time that i gave him a foreskin fart he was bewildered by the noise

by jack lockhart November 21, 2011

20๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

connecticut's foreskin

Another name for Rhode island because on a map the two states look like a giant pecker.

He's from Connecticut's foreskin.

by The Fury 13 November 21, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bloody Foreskin

After having the driest anal sex you pull out the soft dick and their lies a bleeding heap of flesh and veiny skin.

I just had the dryiest hump and i am paying the price with this bloody foreskin.

by Art Vandaleigh August 12, 2006

12๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

wet foreskin

When the Jew has a bath and his peepee gets soggy

Yo Abraham has some wet foreskin

by BritishBleach June 24, 2018

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Foreskin Hat

The way hipsters wear their beanies only on the crowns of their skulls, because the act of keeping your head warm is too mainstream. Usually these people are between 18-30 years old and hang around shitty jazz clubs, hole-in-the-wall coffee houses, or Goodwills.

I can respect the guy that doesn't wear his winter gear correctly in -20 degree weather. I guess staying healthy without illness is too mainstream. The way they are wearing their foreskin hat makes them look like a gigantic penis. Wait, that's already how they act. Next time you see a person like this, Don't get angry, don't give them a mean look, just chuckle at them.

by doxyzyklon January 13, 2012

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Foreskin trepidation

A condition experienced by women who are dating and/or mingling with a man who is European (or "not American") where there is extreme anxiety over whether or not he is circumsized. Could be a deal-breaker in many dating relationships.

Hey Michelle have you ever been with a man who is uncirmusized?

Yea, it was disgusting and required a different skill set.

I thought so. I'm experiencing foreskin trepidation.

by Not Hair Girl February 1, 2011

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foreskin cowboy

when a women pulls a mans foreskin so hard is comes off.

My wife gave me a foreskin cowboy.

by lilrunner15 March 11, 2015

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