Get cancer.
Usually seen in the in-game chat of online games such as League of Legends.
BestVayneEUW: jg please gank bot
RengarPlayerL9: no f*** you gc
Get Close
As either friends or as more than just friends
Gc/ Get Close is a word used to either find a boy/girl to be in a relationship with or to get close and become friends
Gender Critical. Someone who disregards another's definition of their own gender as if it is any of their business.
I've got some GC gammon complaining about me being non binary.
Golden Child. It is possible that a person that was in the role of “Golden Child” also could very well have narcissistic features.
Opening up to GC was a big mistake for me too. I just gave him more ammo.
Sure is great to be the GC that can do no wrong.