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gas log

The moment right before a shit when air is expelled from the anus, preparing it for the upcoming shit.

Man, I just passed a gas log and the shit express is on it's way!

by deysr July 10, 2012

Sweet Gas

At a large family gathering. When a group of kids hold the "weird kid" down and make the young kids take turns farting in the "weird kid"s face.

Usually accompanied with the "Woodside Hold"

"Look Joe, the kids are giving Thom Sweet Gas again"

by theJerk11 January 18, 2013

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Gas Bitchin'

When you stand at the gas pump and bitch about how much it costs to the complete stranger filling up right next to you

Bryan: This guy at the sheetz was gas bitchin' like crazy to me
Alex: word?
Bryan: yea sayin he had to choose gas over food..

by J.Hall May 31, 2008

Gas fade

To pitch in for gas, to put your equal share in.

You can drive but I got you on gas fade.

by angelii mesha September 19, 2010

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Gas up

To inflate somebody's ego via compliments, praise, or actions.
When the ego of a person is self-inflated.
Having too high an opinion of oneself when in actuality, it is unwarranted.

Don't gas up this idiot!

I would tell him he has nice eyes but I don't want to gas him up. He knows he's good looking as it is.

Amanda has almost 100 likes on her new Facebook profile picture and it totally gassed her up! Now she thinks she's hot shit.

by blattyblattybla September 13, 2013

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Gas Chamber

When you release a vile, gaseous cloud from your anus in a bathroom, then coax an unsuspecting victim in to said room and then slam the door and hold it shut, thus forcing the inhalation of your putrid flatulence while you laugh

" I was sick of Jerry's shit so i told him that he left his keys in the bathroom, when he went in to check, i whipped the door shut after i took a horrendous loaf and said "Welcome to the gas chamber motha fucka!"

by Fernie77 May 8, 2015

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Cut The Gas

An old-fashioned way of saying shut up.

Guy 1: Hey Anna! Cut The Gas!
Anna: *cuts gas tank*
Guy 1: Why'd you stop the car?
Anna: Cause you told me to
Guy 1: I told you to SHUT UP!
Anna: Oh... Cool...

by annacantalk_alot November 16, 2018