Source Code

Gen Z

What happens if you cut your dick off.

Me: Yo, what are you doing?
Ye: Um, cutting off my dick...
Me: Don't you know cutting off your dick makes a Gen Z???
Ye's dick: Omg slayyy on god on god no cap period ahh period uhh, I am witewawy bussin YEET!

by mehisasmolpotatoX3 August 12, 2023

6πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Gen z

Overly sensitive people. (That’s coming from a fellow Gen z person)

Wow β€œGen Z” is so sensitive

by BISlover April 16, 2022

29πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


To explain something in complete sentences with detail and thought (no slang).

Gen Z's failed attempt to be edgy and turn the term "mansplain" into a derogatory term against Gen-X.

They forgot one key point though… Gen X just doesn't care.

Gen Z: What do you mean I have to work on the weekend?
Gen X: Allow me to Gen-Xplain this to you one more time.

by Grenie April 1, 2023

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Trend Gen

Trend Gen is another name for the Millennial Generation, pointing to their malleability as a consumerist demographic obsessed with trends as status markers and elevators, which has become not only an EZ target for all supply-side industries but, thanks to the Internet and social media in particular, a free advertising machine as well.

Klub Vino (a ficticious entity) is an online wine store that targets the Trend Gen by making all its choices for them, by requiring only that a consumer "likes" the flavor components of any certain wine without requiring any knowledge of the wine - or wine in general - itself.

by ka the wordsmythe May 11, 2017

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Gen Z

The dumbest, narcissistic generation of all time. They will cancel people for things they’ve said 10 years ago or take things people said out of context and ruin their lives. Also known for being whiney and not being able to take jokes without being offended. You will be called racist, homophobic or misogynistic for not agreeing with their outlandish opinions. No, not all Gen Z’s are troglodytes but there’s certainly enough.

Hey you know what Gen Z did last night? They cancelled someone on twitter for not being β€œgay friendly”!

by Just_anothernigga February 19, 2021

54πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Next Gen

Star Trek: The Next Generation. Also known as ST:TNG or TNG.

Next Gen is on the Sci-Fi channel.

by mr_bastard March 23, 2005

20πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Gen Z

The easily offended generation.

Gen Z is offended over everything!

by expensivelunchbox March 13, 2021

33πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž