Source Code

nose gib

A nose gib is a big wrinkly wart on the bottom of your nose. It's rank

Have you seen how big her nose gib is!

by Kieron Lee March 18, 2017

shimmed a gib

when you are the next one in a farting contest and you let out some of the solids.

Sam: "you're next, Jon"
Jon: **brrrrrrrp** "whoops, I just shimmed a gib"

by nimst March 21, 2024


Originated by Baller Ben and Jibmasta Masta Eric at a certain Minnesotan high school that has hella lotta hoochies
is a diss or just word like yo ginie
u kno shit like that.

hey u little giblet go to hell i hate u

man my woman been giving me lottsa jib love aka crabs in the puss

by matt December 4, 2004

gib fri

Used as a Twitter reply by poor toilet cleaning poorlaks whenever someone shares a big win

Prodigy, gib fri :)

by AutisticGambler August 25, 2020

Gib Fri

Gib Fri is often used for soft begging a person for a free duel on datdrop.com/p/freebee
Usually followed by Dont care

Beggar: Gib fri

HighRoller: No!
Beggar: Gib fri dont care
HighRoller: Ok free milspec is that ok?

by Snitch9@FullExtremeTV August 11, 2020

gib gob

to suck the gob

"hey, he suck gob lmao"
gib gob: to sucketh thy gobeth

by niggeragua32 April 16, 2021

The gib

The saddest bitch, he has two little kittens AKA his KIDS. He LOOOVVESSSS to give them a big tickle fight in the middle of the nudist beach. He loves helping his student once he gets to the code he gives all the help with his third leg. He is also a is an avid collecter of fine furnitrue. Such as the Wallace and Gromit clock.

The gib came so hard my code became filthy.

by dick and balls yb February 7, 2022