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The finest human beings on earth.

Saved my life, a goth did. mmm... kinky...

by TylerTheGothicMountie November 5, 2007

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Whoever started talking of the Goths was going way off topic, Goths and goths are two different things. The Goths were a Germanic tribe, goths (gothic sub culture)are people who mainly dress in black and wear stark black and white make-up to make themselves look more mysterious and dark (kinda goes with the theme/the person's interests). They usually associate with Gothic Rock music, but also have interests in Wicca, Pagan etc. There are types of goth whether you like it or not, Traditional/classic, Modern, Romantic, Net (a trivial one)etc. It obviously depends on your interests and gothic is a way of expressing yourself, you can be your own person and 'customize' gothic to suit yourself.It IS label that others may call you if you associate with the examples above, you should not be offened by it, it is NOT an insult, neither does it mean alot so let them say it. You are You essentially, I wouldn't ever try to live up to a label.

Music: Siters of Mercy, Bauhaus, The 69 Eyes, HIM (well, I like them anyway) these are the most popular, but it depends on individual style. I personally hate Cradle of Filth, just not my thing.

*this does not for a moment think that you should immediatley dump those Old Good Charlotte or Greeday, or whatever other music OUTSIDE the gothic rock catergory it is you like also.
'The Rasmus are not goth'-a typical 'more goth than thou' comment, who cares if they are or are not, they good musicians, that's all that matters really. Plus theire lyrics are dark and myserious and I like them.

Interests: art (creative), literature (gothic, eg: Woman in White, Dracula, MUSIC, pagan, wicca, sewing etc...

by ~Sorrow~ February 4, 2005

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Why do you define it? Why bother? The first thing someone does when they're introduced to something is anylize it, and dissect it. why? I don't need a philosophy of a goth to be one. Why do you need to be an expert on one the moment you see one on the street, in a restaurant, we are everywhere. It goes without saying. We have been taken over by what the world envisions it's citizens, by what America envisions it's citizens (especially it's children) to be. It has a fixed view of how we should behave; when we behave out of character you label us instead of adressing us. I can't help but ask why.

Let me startoff by clarifying something that's been a back and forth idea. Marylin Manson isn't REALLY a goth. He's more of a split person. He actually reminds me of Amy Lee; in the sense that the goth side of him is more reserved for the stage. He's not just weird, he's free. He lives the way he wants, not the way you want. At the end of the day it's his life. I said that to say this; why waste your time to criticize something that you've only witnessed from a vague and foggy point of view. you haven't taken the time to know us. If you did you wouldn't have anything to say about us. In the truest sense we are no different than you.

Let me just cut to the chase; my favorite Hollywood line. Goth is, in the oldest form of the word, a German tribe that once sacked Rome. in the not too distant form it started out as a variant of punk. I did a little research and found that the first group to start wearing black was The Doors; eventually their fans took in this look and before long it wasn't just a variant of punk, but a sub-culture instead.

The modern and current sense of the word is a bit difficult to explain. It's been tossed around and toyed with so much that it's become the most unique thing around. It's unreal is what it is. Goth, in the simplest is not an anti-christ cult.You wouldn't believe how many people believe this; and these aren't just a bunch of crazies, but decent respectable people. the easy reason for this is because this isn't too far from what todays society sees. the first thing we did when Columbine came around was stick it to the goths; and if you asked them now...they couldn't tell you why. I even heard a few things being thrown around about the Virginia Tech. I've heard psychiatrist's define us as dour and depressed group of teens who are obsessed with the macabre and have surrounded themselves with the thought that they are alone and that their lives aren't worth living. I'm ashamed to say that when I read those words I wanted to use this person for target practice. I am not depressed, I am fifteen. I just happen to have the luxury of seeing the world for what it really is. We need to stop being defined, this is killing us. We have been tossed around the room so much that I sometimes wish that we could be left alone to rebuild. Don't write what you haven't taken the time to learn.

I was in middle school one day when somebody came up to me. I wanted to kneecap him, if only out of principle.

He said: Why would you do that? Don't you have any decency?

I said: ...WHA?!

He said: Did God kick you to the curb, is that why you're with them satanists freaks over there (he pointed to my friends.)

I said: ...WHA?!

He said: I can help you. see there's there's this church I go to every wednesday and sunday. You can't be gay man (then he whispers...it's a sin, and the nods.)

I said: Okay...so far I said a fraction of a word to you and in the past five minutes i've become both a satanist and gay.

I then said:(sarcastically of course!!) Keep going man...your'e on a roll.

He walked away!! I swear to everyone reading this that it is 100% true. The entire time he never used the word goth.

by Chad Raye June 28, 2007

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Goths tend to have a dark and perverse sense of humor, a love of history, literature, and music, and far too many bottles of black nail polish. But trying to slot goths into orderly little sections is pretty much impossible. The spectrum of interests, styles, and activities is far too broad. Sometimes the clothes can be a clue, but not always. Just look for that appreciation of darkness--that's the most reliable indicator.

The "classic" goth music scene and the industrial music scene, there are people on both sides who shun the other. Some goths who like the "classic" look of velvet and lace look down upon goths who prefer fishnet and leather. Some goths who like pop-culture entertainments and things that are lighthearted are ostracized by others who believe that nothing is worthwhile unless it is obscure and dark. Like any culture, it has divisions and cliques.

Being goth is, in the end, a form of tribalism, a way for people of like interests and mindset to find each other and have a place to belong. Like most tribes, goths will often try to keep out those who are not "of" the tribe (hence the pretentiousness and disdain for "poseurs"). But it can also be a wonderfully welcoming and comfortable place for those who do fit in, and full of patience and enthusiasm for people who are genuinely interested in finding out what we're about. Goths will try to keep out those who don't belong, and those who are interested in exploiting us because we look different and have interests outside the mainstram; but we will also try to protect our own. For someone who doesn't feel that they really "fit in" with mainstream culture, discovering gothdom can be a wonderful feeling.

However, the term "goth" does NOT refer to the Arcetectural or Literature movement. The proper term for this would actually be gothic (def. 2). Said term does not generally encompas the subculture, but may, in select minds.

"Goths are not really that terribly different from any other subculture. they just dress more imaginatively"

by Forsaken March 21, 2005

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Goths are people who tend to look to the past to deal with the present in the future.

They usually wear older style clothing such as dresses, though not just in black, contrary to popular belief and stereotype. They generally don't wear all the spikes that mainstream images would depict, although that doesn't mean that they don't at all.

Goths look at life and see darkness. The difference between the mainstream image of goth and actual goth is that goths look to the darkness and see beauty. They see suffering, and they embrace it.

Being a goth does not instantly include or exclude one from a religion. There is nothing in Christianity that says "thou shall not accept goths." Rather, this is a prejudice placed by society. Many goths learn to live with this, and simply move on.

Goths DO smile and DO laugh, just not at the things at which a normal human being would laugh or smile at.

Goths are not by definition sons of Satan or tools of evil. Those two are prejudices. While there are goths that worship Satan, there are also goths that are god-fearing Christians.

Goths can usually be characterized by reserved mannerisms, a byproduct of their insular and instrospective nature, dark music such as death metal, gothic metal, black metal, trash metal, or even heavy metal, as well as a usual creative thread.

Contrary to popular belief, goths can be pleasant people to be around, and they won't try to recruit you into an army of darkness.

by Twice Scorned May 15, 2004

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Germanic tribe that invaded provinces of the crumbling Roman Empire. Influenced much architecture around Europe, as well as clothing, such as monks' robes, undertakers' dress etc. Now a tag given to followers of alternative music such as Dimmu Borgir and Opeth, or sometimes to the fools that like Limp Bizkit and Good Charlotte. In St Helens, often called "greggors", "geggers", "goffers" or "smelly, sweaty goffs". Usually intelligent, creative people, who are prepared to work for their future, are not scared to stand out, and do not have sex with their mothers.

"Look at that gothic architecture."
"Eugh! Goffs?!? Where? Fuckin' smelly Goff!"

by Gaz September 14, 2003

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i just have to say this- most of the labels and definitions used here by "goths" defending their lifestyles and feelings are ludacris. how can you claim to be so enlightened about life and other people's ideas when you yourselevs are labeling everyone who isn't a "goth" a "jock" or "nerd" or whatever else. just because someone doesn't dress in a "non-conformist" doesn't mean that they aren't enlightened or intelligent or self-actualized. it may just mean that they find those clothes comfortable, or like the way they look. you all claim to be so enlightened and individual, but you seem very quick to attack and condemn everyone who doesn't rebel in a shallow way (clothes, hair etc.). before you attack the rest of the world for putting labels on you, look at the labels you place on them.

that "goth" just called me a "jock." hmmmmmm

by mike peteg March 10, 2006

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