Sexy, hot, intelligent, asshole, aggressive, a type of laugh
A retardant type of laugh
Haw haw Haw haw
Similar to the grunts of the cavemen of old, "Haw" is used from one alpha male personality to another to express extreme agreement or approval. Can be used between 1 and 3 times at varying intensity as the situation calls for.
Alpha 1: "After I slammed the last quarter bottle of Tito's, I went home with 2 fine bitches last night."
Alpha 2: "Haw Haw"
Alpha 1: "So after we get done with classes today, you wanna hit up the pool? I heard there's supposed to be a pretty wild party there."
Alpha 2: "HAW!"
A word to describe sexual intercourse as in "haw my gawd" when things gets hot and heavy in the bedroom.
Hawwww my gawwww you're so good from behind baby!
A well thought out word only used by the realist and a reaction
Your mom sees ur report card "haww"