The act of entering an agreement, taking 50% or more (up to 90%) of the money up front for a project and ghosting customer until the project deadline (or after) with little to no communication in the process. Typically ends by finally showing up out of nowhere, unscheduled, at or just after the project deadline like its no big deal.
Drywall guy “Hey man how did that project go at the mall?”
GC “It had it’s hurdles but came out great except for getting Holmed on the storefront.”
A sexual position wherein the male partner whilst penetrating from behind notices a brownish spec near the female's anus and, therefore, as in an investigation, procures his magnifying glass to inspect if the brown spec in question is leftover fecal matter or merely an unfortunately placed mole, and upon discovery that it is the former exclaims "oh dear," almost always in a British accent so as to hide the fact that he is disgusted.
Breh, I was Sherlock Holmesing this bitch and realized she had some leakage, but, nstead of just sending her home though, I did some critical thinking and realized a bitch that dirty a) is into anal and b) makes her own lube, so I went ahead and went to brown town.
Thomas Holme sucks it is full of thot ass hoes who can’t even dance. They all are slow and don’t know how to act. Don’t go there go to forest or brown. Oh and Austin Meehan sucks too.
Thomas Holme elementary school is a stupid ass school
emilie holm, is the most beautiful and sweetest girl you have ever seen, she is loyal. but she thinks a lot about what others think about her.
her body is beautiful, but also private
Random Boy: send nudes
Emilie holm: BLOCKED
Guy with a big dick and is hot and is beautiful and he can make u feel special even when you aren't. He's the class clown and funny as shit ladies you want this guy
Dude did u see E-Holmes. That guy looks lit af!!
an absolute sexy beast of a name who wields a huge dick and is generally just better than everyone.
is that archie holmes?
i just came inside my pants.