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Psycho Ranch

It's a facility where people go to get it together. It usually specializes in drug addiction, sex addiction, and trauma. Instead of a cold, clinical setting, it's usually more like a resort, or set in the country, or possibly a ranch.

"He wanted to lay low after his 4th dui, so he spent a week at that psycho ranch." or, "The court ordered her to do a stint in rehab, so she booked a room at the psycho ranch for a month."

by Ottawa0214 June 4, 2017


A person who is only attracted to or only attracts psychotics as sexual partners.

"Gehlken only fucks chicks who seem to legitimately be clinically insane. I think he might be a psycho-sexual."

by Amber the Abstractor February 11, 2009

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A person who is not jewish or part of the religion of Judaism, but likes to believe they are or celebrates jewish holidays and/or follows their traditions and beliefs (a wannabe).

Most psycho-semitics are cirucumsized.

Michael is a psycho-semitic, he's atheist but he loves to celebrate Hanukah and passover. He wants to convert but he's way too lazy...

by aREALjew October 13, 2011

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Psycho Jack

"Psycho Jack" is the alternate form of Jack Bauer from 24. He comes out from time to time when Jack is in great mental distress. Typically, when regular men are faced with a situation that they cannot mentally handle, they fall apart. Jack Bauer is no regular man, and when he is faced with such a situation, he struggles for a short time with the burden; slowly you can see a change in his eyes. Then Jack is then overtaken with an intense, psychotic, murderous rage.

While in this rage, Jack has no concern for his own life, can't really feel pain, shooting him just pisses him off even more and he will not stop until every single person he is currently facing is dead. His fits of rage typically only last a few minutes, but while fully raged he is without fear, hesitation, and all of his senses are heightened to near superhuman levels.

In Season 1 we saw his transformation to Psycho Jack for the first time. Nina tricked Jack into thinking his daughter had been murdered by Victor Drazen and his men.

You see the event nearly broke Jack, he even shed a few tears for the loss of his beloved daughter.

Then you saw a change in his eyes, and he drove a van into the warehouse were Drazen's men were waiting for him. He proceeded to kill every single person in the warehouse and confronted Drazen. He then proceeded to shoot Drazen 12 times until his gun ran out of bullets. With Drazen dead, Jack returns to his normal state.

by SRK J-ride April 23, 2010

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Simp Psycho

A guy who showers a woman with gifts and eventually becomes a stalking psycho jerk.

Doug's gifts to Roxanne were sweet at first, but apparently hes a crazy prick and now she thinks he is a SIMP PSYCHO.

by festerq105 February 24, 2022

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A female that is bat-shit crazy

"Did you enjoy your date with Cindy? Nah man, she's a Psycho-bitch!"

by BiggestGlipGlopInTheMultiverse March 21, 2016

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A woman who is equally one part psycho and one part bitch. A majority of women are one or the other, with less than 1% of the female population containing equal parts of both. A Paycho-Bitch does the damage of two women which often results in fires, explosions, mass chaos and public drownings.

"Did you see that Psycho-Bitch screaming at the sky while eating a jar of mayonnaise? What a psycho-bitch!"

by Mickbritt February 19, 2016

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