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Jesus H. Christ in a Chicken Basket

Very random display of disgust or surpise. Also used to emphasize a point being made, or to just humor your friends. First uttered by a by a dick football coach from a small town in Kansas.

Jesus H. Christ in a chicken basket!!! That was the shittiest block I've ever seen.
Guess what Chris? I got laid last night! "Well Jesus H. Christ in a chicken basket, it's about time."

by Brian Ball April 8, 2006

77๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

jesus h. tap-dancing christ

an exclamation used by jake in the blues brothers, better than saying jesus fucking christ

Rev. Cleophus: "Do you seee the light?!"
Jake: "Yes!! Yes!! Jesus H. tap-dancing Christ...I have seen the light!!"

by alobymaxowitz December 1, 2006

72๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jesus h christ (on a popsicle stick)

Exclamation of extreme aggravation.

Jesus h christ on a popsicle stick--why won't this damn engine turn over!!!

by JohnK May 20, 2005

79๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

jesus harold christ on rubber crutches

an expletive interjection referencing Jesus Christ. It is typically uttered in anger, surprise, or frustration, though sometimes also with humorous intent.

Person 1: Why the hell should I care about who you want to get revenge on, I want my share! Finish the job

Person 2: Jesus Harold Christ on rubber crutches, you shut your mouth! Give me your hand!

by what do i care 125 September 25, 2020

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jesus fucking Mary doggystyle Christ

1. Possibly the most extreme, blasphomous term to use when one is surprised and/or outraged in the english language.
2. Used as a term to say something random but incomprehensible for a few seconds to the person the term is directed to.

Situation 1:

Somone busts into a room with an AK-47 and shoots the person right next to you.

Your response: Jesus fucking Mary doggystyle Christ!

Situation 2:

Johnny: Sooooo...
Mike: hmm....
Chris: yeah...
Johnny: wtf happened?
Mike: oh my stars
Chris: lollerpops

by MrDinkleberry November 21, 2005

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basicly a goofy way of saying holy shit

"JESUS CHRIST BANANAS dun scare meh like dat!!!"

by KityKat October 21, 2007

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Lord Jesus Christ

-The son of God who died on the cross so that everyone's sins could washed away.
-Was the only human being to ever walk the earth without giving in to sin. The rest of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
-Loves us so much even though we continue to sin and disregard the ten commandments.
-in this day and age, the world and all its material possessions + the devil blind us from the truth!
-the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

When atheists or non-Christians are on their deathbeds, they will realise then that the Lord Jesus Christ is real and that he is the way/truth and life.

Dear Lord Jesus Christ,
Thankyou for dying on the cross for us!
Please forgive the sins that we have committed and help us to forgive those who have sinned against us.
In Jesus wonderful name we pray,

by God-bless-you April 12, 2007

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