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keiras boyfriend

damian and jonothan

keiras boyfriend is my bsf

by snatch0 weave March 9, 2020

1👍 2👎

Keira High School

A shit hole school located in Wollongong, Australia. It has many different courses, such as joint-rolling, bong-making, and everyones favourite, Marajuana cultivation.

Keira High School features an odd deputy principal who enjoys holding long and excessive assemblies for littering and is alleged to have obsessive compulsive disorder.

Keira High School prides itself on being the most comprehensive high school in the Wollongong area. It features a motto of "For up the height, Excelsior". This ties in nicely with the many teachers that seem to come to work high.

Despite all this, Keira High School is a fantastic place to work and learn, if you don't mind being yelled at for socks that aren't white, shoes that have a speck of colour, a skirt too short, or a small facial piercing.

But that's not all, Keira High school also features a lesbian quad. That's right lesbians, a special quad especially for you!

"Hey, I go to Keira High School!"

everyone else: "BAHAHAHAHA"

by Einzurri March 19, 2011

128👍 15👎

keira pepper

a gorgeous, sweet & caring girl. if you catch a keira, make yourself lucky. if you like her, she may not date you straight away. she’s trustworthy & like a angel.

i think i’m in love with a keira pepper!

by iisuperchukdii December 15, 2017

1👍 3👎

Keira jane conolly

She has glasses ,she sounds very posh

"What an ArSe" "

"sounds like a Keira jane conolly"

by Tessasbae July 30, 2019

hey keira there is seven colours


hey keira there is seven colours

by Carrot crunchers November 5, 2019


bad ass

‘Woah Keira-lotties a bitch’ (enemie)
Watch out kid she’s bad ass’ (ur BFF)


by 1m@Ooooooooo November 3, 2020

Keira L.

Keira is a hot bad ass, she is very bipolar, but if she's in the right mood she's a great person to be around. Keira tends to love alcohol and nicotine like its food and water. She's the life of the party even when there's no party. She literally looks like a model even though she wouldn't agree with you. She has this beautiful long black hair, perfect nose, and amazing body. She will make time for her only two friends (her boyfriend and her best friend), she does tend to love her best friend more than she loves her boyfriend. She would do anything for her bestfriend, she would murder someone and find a way to blame someone else for the death.

Keira L. is a psychopath, but she's MY psychopath.

by natayla2024 December 10, 2021