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brown liquor music

slow down and chill awhile... relax and jam to sounds of jazz, funk, soul, and r&b rolled into one hip glass of brown liqour music on two or three cubes of ice...

Brown Liquor Music- If you really need an example see my man the late great Johnny "Guitar" Watson!

by LastSeed July 13, 2008

25πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Rubber balls & liquor

Origin: grade school

Definition: What you did to your girlfriend last night.

Kid 1: What did you have for breakfast yesterday?
Kid 2: Rubber balls & liquor
Kid 1: What did you have for lunch yesterday?
Kid 2: Rubber balls & liquor
Kid 1: What did you do to your girlfriend last night?
Kid 2: Rub 'er balls & lick 'er

by Willis P Styles September 14, 2007

60πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Malt Liquor Muslim

An individual, usually a young black male, who converts to Islam while in prison and then returns to his pre-Muslim ways when on the outside.

James can be seen in his dad's front yard sippin' on a foty (fourty ounce malt liquor bottle), eatin' fried pork skins, smokin' Newports, and beatin' on his old lady--a classic Malt Liquor Muslim.

by Gary Vitalis February 3, 2007

391πŸ‘ 196πŸ‘Ž

Beer-Liquor Rule

The Beer-Liquor Rule is a guideline for alcohol consumption that goes like this:

"Liquor before beer, nothing to fear. Beer before liquor, never been sicker."

The placement of the 2 relationships doesn't matter whether one's before the other, as several drunks have argued it as long as they rhyme you've got the idea of the Rule.

Sonia forgot the Beer-Liquor Rule on a Friday night and missed her hair appointment the next morning.

by Sid Barrett February 2, 2008

161πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž

pouring out liquor

An act of respect involving emptying a 40 or other container of liquor. Performed when one of your close friends or part of your crew dies.

Also used to reminisce about times with that friend on anniversaries, birthdays, etc.

We was pouring out liquor for my man, he left us too soon

Ay yo, remember last time we was here Tyrese was gettin all the bitches, lets be pouring out liquor for him tonight before the party.

by TRobs April 27, 2006

20πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Alcohol Liquor Booze

the three words needed to summon a hole to hell, do not say unless you wish to meet the devil and have a nice tea party

dude 1: bro watch this

dude 2: ok bro go ahead

dude 1: Alcohol Liquor booze

dude 2: NO WAIT DUDE

dude 1: *gone*

by dave the slightly inconvenient July 24, 2019

Little Liquor Pig

a. An endearing term for a friend or loved one who drinks too much. b. Someone who no longer drinks, due to previous excess.

Usages: n. (Endearing) β€œAwe, you’re such a little liquor pig.” (Empowering) Q: β€œYou don’t drink?” A: β€œNo, I’m a little liquor pig.β€œ (v.) Liquor pigging: An endearing term for pointing out (recognizing) excessive behaviour in general. v. β€œHey, you’re Liquor Pigging the cake.”

by c4imagination November 1, 2011