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Herb merchant

(Noun) one who vends herbs, especially cannabis

"My herb merchant hooked me up"

by Maryjaaane September 15, 2014

nut merchant

can mean either-
1) a stupid or arrogant person, or

2) something (usually a feat) which is impressive.

Look at that fucking nut merchant.

This shot's going to be a right nut merchant.

by Panzervarg May 17, 2010

Queef merchant

A seaborn man of trading descent. Commonly found hidden in the women's latrine. Using a queef absorber 4000 to capture the gases he then sells them to unsuspecting passengers through the form of ice cream.

Watch out, that ice cream man might be a queef merchant.

by Mary queen of sluts February 23, 2023

Points merchant


the tier 3 champion is a points merchant

by LOI_NotJack April 6, 2022

helmet merchant

a being who transcends the definition of being 'a helmet'

Player 1: "Watch this!"
*Player 1 teamkills Player 2*
Player 2: "Proper helmet merchant you mate"

by Craig Teev17 May 23, 2023

Dream Merchant

A person or corporate entity that specializes in, or claims to be capable of, helping people fulfill their dreams, fantasies, or deepest aspirations. They are most often empty promises, and the recipients of such services are usually expected to pay a fee in return.

BEWARE of the words: "Come with me and I'll make you famous!" For they are usually uttered from the lips of Dream Merchants.

by Execaters April 24, 2018

scab merchant

A Shity tattoo Artist

Don't get a tattoo from him unless you want it to Suck, he is a Scab Merchant.

by Sayaynot February 27, 2015