Nintendo Foot is a fairly common but generally harmless condition one encounters when playing games such as Super Mario, Super Mario 3, Contra, Excite-bike, Skate or Die etc... On a 10" black and whit T.V. Whilst sitting indian style.
Joe was unable to walk after conquering Giant Land as a bad case of Nintendo Foot had settled in.
An expression used by people who have owned a Nintendo 64 in their youth and understand the importance it played in their life. It is used in situations for the receiver of a conversation to assume the worst consequence that the speaker went through.
1: I once threw a bucket of paint at my mom.
2: What she do?
1: No Nintendo for a month.
1: My wife walked in on me with a half naked chick.
2: Really? Did she kick your ass?
1: No Nintendo for a month.
A condition brought on by playing video games for long periods of time with out looking away from the screen.
Symptoms include- blurred vision, problems concentrating, head-aches, irritability, & nausea.
After 24 hours of playing wow nonstop everything started getting blurry, about 20 minutes later I was nauseous and couldn't think straight...
I realized, it was nintendo eye.
Originated on NES it is the act of getting angry at anyone talking when you die while playing a video game.
Person: So dude what do you wanna do tonight?
Player: You ass you just made me hit that Goomba and I got a game over I HATE YOU
Person: How is that my fault you can't play when I talk? You got nintendo crabbies bro...
A website for registering Nintendo games for Wii & DS that are published by Nintendo. You will be rewarded with "points" for completing surveys after registering games. You can redeem these points for prizes such as more wii remote straps, Mario & Zelda posters, and overpriced Game & Watch games. Everything you buy from Club Nintendo is paid for only with points, and there is free shipping.
Billy: I just bought 3 Super Mario Posters from Club Nintendo! It was free, although I had to buy a lot of games to get it!
Jim: That's not free.
Billy: It sort of is.
Will be the most epic hand held video game console until Sony or Microsoft creates another spin-off, then Nintendo will have to create an even better one.
Nintendo 3DS? Hell yeah. I'm buying THAT.
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A handheld gaming console that was released 11/21/04. Dual Screen. A kick ass product.
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