Verb -To be nice
To rape someone (or just excessively wet willy them) and try to convince them that it's nice and they should like it.
Victim: WTF?!
Rapist: This is nice. It hurts now but it will feel nice soon. Shhh don't tell anyone or i won't be nice to you anymore. I've been nice to all your friends and family...
Victim: I don't like this
Rapist: Stop lying it's nice. EVERYONE is doing it. Shhh... SHHHHHH! IT'S NICE I PROMISE **wet willy** See isn't this nice? Yes it's niiiiiice (:
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An abbreviation of the beer: Natural Ice
Person One: "Funnell this Nice and you are well on your way to becoming fucked up my good friend"
Person Two: "Thanks dude!...ahhh nothing nicer than a nice Nice!!"
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Used as a statement revealing un-enthusiasm or sarcasm when talking over the internet. Deliberately de-capitalized, whether at the beginning of a sentence or not, to show the extent of un-enthusiasm or sarcasm trying to be conveyed.
Girl 1: I totally just fucked your ex.
Girl 2: nice.
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You know, I tried being this...
Hym "I tried being nice. But they don't like it. Genuinely. Humanity is a filthy slut that likes getting it's lily white ass smacked pink. And unless that's 'what you're into' then I'm not interested... Hahahahaha"
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Used when something awesome happens and can be used in place of words such as "cool" and "tight"
Meaghan: Theres a pizza on the kitchen counter and you can have it.
Nick: Thats nice like tim nice!
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Said sarcastically after a situation you don't like but feel the need to say something to alleviate frustration.
Without the sarcasm it can also be used to show approval or as a compliment.
Mike: Dude, your girlfriend totally ditched us at the bar.
Me: Nice. Real Fuckin Nice.
Stripper: hey cutie, I want to give you a lap dance and rock your world!
Me: Nice. Real Fuckin Nice.
Jealous Mike: What? Where's my lap dance?? Nice. Real Fuckin Nice.
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To give a better response than 'okay'. This is a non dry version of the one word cool or nice
'owned by moneyram. no stealing'
Person 1: what are you doing?
Person2: chilling
Person1: nice nice/cool cool