a mix of nigger and pigglet (from the ages of 0 to 6) or just a tiny ass nigga
john: hey bob look over there its a nigglet
bob: no thats a short ass nigga
nigga: what the hell did you just say to me cracker
bob: no we mean your just a short ass nigga, and when i mean short youre under 5 6
nigga: oh ok thanks
john: fucking dumbass nigglet
(Nigglet) Otherwise known as a small african child
I’m selling this nigglet watch out this nigglet might run away the nigglet is fast because of its skin tone
Fuck you. This word literally means nothing, it’s supposed to sound “black” but it just makes you sound like you have a mental disability.
Tyrone: Nig you you nigger nigglet
*proceeds to insult you using the prefix “nig” in almost every word they say*
Josh: Yo Tim you think he’s good?
Tim: Ehhhh, probably not.
A word used to describe small people of African decent (black people),but can also be used in a sentence to mean n word piglet
Wassup my nigglet,
Bro you looking like a nigglet today (untidy)
A name for disgusting human what time is disgustingly large cock
Man he has a nigglet cock