It stands for pretty huge dick
And it also means I fucked your mama
I have a PHD or
I PHDed your mom last night
You’re pussy handling degree! You can handle any pussy, anytime, anywhere!
Guy: I have my PhD!
Girl: what’s a PhD?
Guy: my pussy handling degree!
Girl: How’d you earn that?
Guy: Not in school, I could tell you that!
Pubic. Hair. Diploma.
When you realize it’s 2019 and pubic hair is totally in.
That girl has her PHD. She is rocking the bush.
Ryan has a PhD, I saw it last night when we both went to pee together. I glanced over at his PhD and couldn't stop staring. It was beautiful.
PhD stands for permanently halfway done because producing original research and then defending it is not as easy as you think. Unless you’re going to law school and want to do this degree along with your law degree, DO NOT do a PhD if you don’t already have a career.
Person 1: Im doing my PhD.
Person 2: Oh, so are you a published author yet?
Person 1: *Immediately dies from a brain aneurysm*