In order to avoid doing something you need to do, you do something else productive.
I use Productive Procrastination when I clean my room instead of starting an English paper.
57👍 87👎
Any item that has been shamelessly advertised and flaunted to appease the general masses in order to generate vast profits for the parent company and its selfish executives. Most types of corporate product will rot the body, the brain, or both in some way. Consumer satisfaction is ignored as the companies use popular culture, ideas of social acceptance, and sexual themes to help sell their product.
Examples of corporate product: Ipods; Itunes Music Store; Coca-Cola; Starbucks Coffees; McDonalds; Nike clothing and shoes; DRM; music by the likes of Britney Spears, Hilary Duff, Good Charlotte, Lindsay Lohan, Nick Cannon, Avril Lavigne, Dashboard Confessional, Sum 41, P. Diddy, Jay-Z, etc; Tyco toys; CNN; Fox News; Myspace; anything associated with MTV; Barbie; most cell phone networks; PSP; get the picture.
5👍 4👎
maddawg productions is one of the best channels ever
also check out madeline and steven and drew phillips
maddawg productions omg you should subscribe
maddawg productions is the best channel ever also check out madeline and steven or drew phillpis
omg maddawg productions sub now
An undesirable "secondary" expense dat you get saddled with due to your having purchased an item.
Items like vehicles and paper-printers are excellent --- and notorious --- examples of frequently needing "buy-products"... the price of the items itself may be incidental when compared to all of the subsequent high-cost commodities that you will have to supply said item with in order to keep it operational, such as fuel, fluids, ink-jet cartridges, etc.
#he is, #Why are we,#there shoed be, #will there be, ( a product of the System) related to the story ,it refects to the state of being, or the product of, a society can bring fort (aproduct of the System) sheep will follow sheep, not nesesaraly be the Wolf ,but be differend dont be (a product of the System), therefore Think, be creatif, and evolve.
Their the most cringe youtubers but their really funny. They mimic jake Paul to get viewsss and it does give them views. They are Savages and Dope.
“Oh Look, it’s J Productions”.