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The chilling in question

When someone gambles a lot, loses everything and says "I'm chilling." to show how they are not upset at the fact that they lost everything. However, the chilling in question shows how they are secretly crying inside.

Guy 1: "Dude! You just lost 100k robux betting!"
Guy 2: "Yeah dude, it's all good, I'm chilling."
The chilling in question: 😢

by CIQGANG January 5, 2021

The Question Of Reality

The Question Of Reality is "Why". Simple. Why? It will never happen. Why. It means so many things! Some good, others bad!



Why is reality like this? Why. Its The Question Of Reality. Why

by CinnamonBunnnz August 2, 2022

Secret question

- Noun
1. A question that may have a secret answer in which the answering party may choose to answer or not without repercussion.

She asked me a secret question.

by Snickers1988 January 3, 2012

Clitorical question

A question that's asked in a sexual context that's not supposed to receive an answer.

"You would double down on that thing wouldn't you?"
"Dude that was a clitorical question..."

by InsertX November 14, 2019

cupcake question

A super easy question given by a teacher. It may require memorizing a short answer but not any critical thinking. Usually given at the beginning of a test to give students easy points. Usually refers to rudimentary concepts taught at the very beginning of a unit/course.

Student 1: How'd you do on the exam?
Student 2: Bad. At least I got those cupcake questions right.

by cottag3ch33s3 December 13, 2018

Great Question

Great Question is the best instrumental artist of 2023. With numerous songs and more to come on Spotify and other platforms, his beautiful masterpieces of songs are truly magnificent.

Man 1: Hey, what was the name of that really good artist you showed me?
Man 2: Great Question.
Man 1: So, are you going to tell me or what?
Man 2: I just did.

by I_LoveLeo724 March 23, 2023

Asshole Questions

1. A question that you ask to piss somone off

2. A question that only an asshole would ask

Aaron: "Jason, where's that email that pissed you off? Can I hit on your sister? What about your Mom? Does your wife still go down on you? Hey, what do you think Angelina is going to name her next foreign baby?"

Jason: "I can't take it anymore!! Stop asking me these asshole questions!!!"

by ClevelandDan November 18, 2009