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The Radical Left

Is a character from The Venture Bros on Adult Swim. Adult Swim could probably be suing you over that.

Hym "Yeah, the Radical Left is probably copyrighted... You could sue Ben Shapiro for using that for his political propaganda."

by Hym Iam February 5, 2025

radical nadical

Used to express how cool something is

Wow that Cat is radical nadical

by Jayisacooliodoodio March 19, 2017

Radical Rice

something that goes great with awesome sauce

Boy: Dude that was awesome sauce
Boy 2: ikr we need some radical rice to finish it off
boy: hell ya

by frostytips June 17, 2013

Radical Blast

Person: A guy who has no control over his life, and smokes weed on a weekly basis. If you insult him, he rape you inside out with his memes and roasts...

Radical gonna BLAST you today, he will fuck you up with his special attack; RADICAL BLAST

by mr.ruski June 5, 2017

Radicate the icicle

To make something previously weird/boring cool by doing it a lot.

Doctor 1: Since people picked their noses too much, we figured out its good for their health!
Doctor 2: That's one way to radicate the icicle.

by Kobble_(st)one January 18, 2021


As defined by: a level of excellence achieved by a group, or individual.

"You've reached Radicality, congratulations"

by Mr Blue August 16, 2012

Radical Sauce

Radical Sauce - It's even better than Awesome Sauce!

Billy Zane: Man...PROTOTYPE 2 is going to be Awesome Sauce!

Nancy Reagan: No Billy, it will be even better than Awesome Sauce...it will be Radical Sauce!!!

Billy Zane: (gets down on hands/knees and bows) Forgive me master...

Nancy Reagan: It's okay...now kiss the ring bitch, and then take me back to pound town!

by THE Dr. Manhattan January 28, 2011