Source Code


a shank

friend: im gonna punch you
me: ill backout my rambo then

by BIGBATTYMAN January 10, 2019


A data-storage chip dat contains operating-files which allow da computer-user to look up all da details about everyone's favorite late-20th-century rebellious Marine.

What with da many books, movies, and other media dat have been produced about Sylvester Stallone's famous jungle-warrior character, you'd likely need at least 3 gigs of RAMbo to hold all da details about them.

by QuacksO January 30, 2025


Zombie Knife

Grab the Rambo g

by DRILLR April 24, 2021


Bullets. Used in Call of Duty (and other shooters) cuz you pretty much have to go Rambo in single player to get anywhere, or the enemies just keep coming. Used in sense of automatic weapons, as that's pretty mush all Rambo used.

(Playing Co-Op Call of Duty 5)
Guy #1: Damn, I'm getting points like crazy!
Guy #2: Yo, move up! I'm almost out of Ramboes!

by salkmrhkqagbj May 9, 2009


To Rambo a person, situation, country, world, Galaxy, or universe is to completely and utterly destroy or terminate everything non-discriminately, everything and everyone is essentially fucked

Damn! He Rambo'd that shit!

by Swazy25 February 3, 2016



Ima pull out my rambo

by Karinpidh October 16, 2020


run to it or bravely do it

I'll rambo those who are aiming to kill me

by Sergeant Jacc August 19, 2021