Source Code

rot in hell

What people always shout to others while theyre alive but at their funeral, you rarely hear anything but nice compliments. Just once id like to see osmone at a funeral say "This guy was a greedy fuckface and i sure hope that his death hurt him in extreme ways, fuck you you son of a bitch, rot in hell!" and then spit o nthe corpse so the wrinkled odl women at them can make fainting noises and pass out.

rot in hell you bastard!

by da hood' January 3, 2005

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dumpster rot

The goo and gack found in the bottom of a dumpster. The decaying matter that collects at the bottom of dumpsters.

Karen was hungry so she jumped in the dumpster, got her bathing suit out, and made a sandwich using a used maxi pads as bread and dumpster rot for the meat.

by Ronnie G July 15, 2006

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sack rot

Where heavy sweating and chafing on the balls results in itching, burning and in severe cases infection. This is exacerbated by poor hygiene and a hot climate. Similar to trench crack or chefs arse.
Men with sack rot are easily spotted because they look like they just dismounted a horse and adopt a "John Wayne" stance.

Gordon's chefs arse crossed the biffins bridge and now he's got sack rot with an infection 'cos he keeps wiping the shit on his nuts. No wonder he's such a mardy bastard!

by Patrese December 29, 2007

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crotch rot

The filmy, dark and smelly substance that accrues within the general area of one's genitalia; especially after a long, hot day that included heavy walking.

My fellow passengers on the elevator looked at me with disgust and crinkled their noses--my darn crotch rot was acting up again.

by Shmendor March 10, 2011

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knob rot

The disease responsible for any man needing to become circumcised in adulthood instead of as a baby. Other medical reasons will be cited, but those are obviously all lies employed to cover the embarrassing truth.

Knob rot can be avoided by careful daily cleansing and keeping things safe during sex.

First guy: I was circumcised at 22 because my foreskin wouldn't retract properly.
Second guy: A likely story. Admit it - you had knob rot!
Third guy: Three words, dude - soap. And. Water. Keep it clean next time!

by Jennan_the_Mad February 8, 2008

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Rot Gut

An actual term ROT GUT refers to the middle ages when cadavers were transported in huge barrells of liquor in secret to medical schools. Dissection was illegal, and this was a way to secretly transport cadavers, and get wasted.

ROT GUT vodka is disgusting! I think that says it all.

by NATHANIEL HERNANDEZ September 27, 2007

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rotting christ

Great band and the only good black metal band to ever exist.

Oh, please. Fuck the lyrics, just listen to the music.

by Gabe November 23, 2003

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