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Rowan B

a big, hairy, juicy handsome man who loves to drink chilk with a pile of hamlets watching the son set.

Settle down on that chilk! Your like rowan b.

by Eugine Jezum. May 3, 2023

Captain Rowan

Captain Rowan Aka deck hand and ship bitch. Leadership style similar to that of Roberto Bosio with a tendency to act like alpha male yet abandons ship when crew need him most.

To do as Captain Rowan does, disregard all others and think of yourself as a highly respected citizen and human-being. Self-confidence is everything.

by CaptainCreative September 18, 2013

rowan salter

rowan salter is a funny kind sometimes weird(but i love him anyway) boy who is friends with everyone but loves his girlfriend and all ways has time for her

Girl 1: Rowan Salter is so kind and amazing
boy 1: i know hes a great friend

by Rowans girlfriend March 11, 2019

rowan larson

The best looking individual known to man. He is faster than Javen Barrientes and has hops

Rowan Larson is better than Javen. Oh and he’s going to jmblya

by ihavehops March 6, 2019

Rowan Atkinson

Comedian and writer

Rowan Atkinson is not a 'thing.' Blackadder didn't include beehive tossing, or greasy pig wrestling, or dwarf throwing.

by Iam not Elmer Fudd December 24, 2019

Rowan Burke

A person who compulsively feels the need to sign every facebook comment with their name. They also have a tendency to make false accusationtions of pancake making and forget when Folio is due.

Rowan Burke: "hey everyone hows it goin, sorry for being annoying ill bring in pancakes for you all on the folio week . anyways just wondering if visa1001 and arct1030 tutorials are still on for tomorow?

- Rowan Burke"

by ninja24321 November 17, 2013

Professor Rowan

"Hello there! It's so very nice to meet you! Welcome to the world of Pokémon!"
"My name is Rowan. However, everyone just calls me the Pokémon Professor. Before I go any further, is this your first adventure? If you need advice, I'm certainly capable of giving it.
"Would you like to know more about anything else?"*
"This world is widely inhabited by creatures known as Pokémon. Here, I have a Poké Ball. Touch the button on the middle of the Poké Ball, if you'd please."
"No, no! Not that button! The button on the Poké Ball."*
"We humans live alongside Pokémon as friends. At times we play together, and at other times we work together. Some people use their Pokémon to battle and develop closer bonds with them. What do I do? I conduct research so that we may learn more about Pokémon. Now, why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself? Are you a boy? Or are you a girl?"
"All right, so you're a boy/girl?"
"Tell me, what is your name?"
"Your name is Platnium?"
"Ok... So, you're Platnium? A fine name that is! Now this boy here... I believe he's your friend. What might his name be?"
"Barry, is it? That's your friend's name?"
"Alright, Platnium, the time has come. Your very own tale of grand adventure is about to unfold. On your journey, you will meet countless Pokémon and people. I'm sure that along the way you will discover many things, perhaps even something about yourself. Now, go on, leap into the world of Pokémon!"

Like most Pokemon Professors, Professor Rowan seems too invested in Trainer’s Names and genders

by XD715 June 17, 2021