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A boy named Charles or Charlie that chooses to call his girlfriend instead of gaming with the boys.

"Charles decided to hang out with girlfriend instead of gaming with the boys on Wednesday afternoon, he's such a simp"

by the transexual March 25, 2020

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One who seeks favor with an audience for no more than superficial reasons. Commonly associated with the male/Female relationship. A man who panders to women worse than Hilary Clinton did to black ppl in 2016.

β€œDude you could just payed a hooker. Why do all those nice guy things? You’re a total simp.”

by Millaveli July 1, 2020

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A boy who searches for a certain female’s validation by giving her too much attention and love; in order to get puss. Commonly associated with the name Xavier.

Xavier: Sorry boys, I have to go drop off some White Claws at Chloe’s.
Boys: Bro stop being a Simp! You guys broke up a while ago.

by BoomBapBing June 19, 2020

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A Simp is a person (most usually a male) who is too obsessed over any girls, to a point where he can do literally anything for them only to get their attention.

These are the guys who are the main reasons why girls don't value us boys anymore.

These losers start trying out their luck with any girl they come accross, doesn't matter if she's just slightly good looking or a total high profile goddess who's way out of his league.

Basically, simps are the pathetic weebs who put Hoes before Bros

S - Suckers
I - Idolizing
M - Mediocre
P - Pussy

Aaron :- Dude, that new guy in our class is head over heels before Janice, buying her stuff from the canteen and giving her expensive gifts. She doesn't even like him!

Barry :- That guy's a Simp dude. She's just playing along, extracting as much as she can from him. Then she'll just throw him away.

by IntenseJK March 30, 2021

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Pokimaine fans

Person wan: Hey do you watch Pokimaine?
Person twoer: Ew, you're a simp.

by h7 boi August 10, 2020

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When someone clings to much to another person in the purpose to get his or her affection back. Can be used as a verb (to simp), as a noun or an adjective.

Bianca clings too much to Sasha. I thinks she's simping

by KingKloon429 May 13, 2021

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A sissy/pimp (dude with no ACTUAL game). Acts tough and is usually a sissy pretty boy that will tell a girl anything she needs to hear to try and get laid no matter how lame it is. These guys will usually go to enormous lengths and spend ridiculous amount of money trying to impress a girl that he's not going to get anyway. These girls will often go home and night thinking how easy it was to manipulate these tools out of their money.

Simping: "babygirl your the most beautiful girl in the world can I buy you and all your friends a drink, it ain't a problem for a guy like me"

Simp: "Yea i got a new beamer it was only 70 thousand dollars (that his dad bought him) why don't you and all your friends drink all night on me"

by StillLoaded March 9, 2008

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