A wee rosy cheeked bawbag, has a condition of repetitive head bobbing due to sooking too much penis. Stuart’s normally drive classy cars like a fiat 500 convertible. I used to think fiat stood for fix it another day but actually stands for fist it another day
A bright girl with a cute smile. She is nice and beautiful. She has a very nice body and skinny. She is the perfect girl to be with. If you ever cross one than you would be lucky to even get her.
Did you see Jazmine Stuart, she so fine. She always looking like a snack.
Jazmine is one of a kind. She is very brifht. She would help you if she can. She is funny and nice. She is skinny, tall, and sexy. If you come across her try to be her friend or if you can be her boyfriend.
Damn did you see Jazmine Stuart, she was looking bomb.
a literal L, you cannot get worse than this repulsive little prick (little because his knob does not exceed the length of 3 inches)
fucking hell man stuart morris literally gets NO bitches
A word used for masturbation.
Example "I had a sticky Stuart over some girl last night"
"I had a sticky Stuart over some girl last night"
A condition causing a man to have one elongated testicle named after Stuart from the Big Bang theory who was afflicted with this condition
One of my balls feels wierd I must have Stuart nuts