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"If you're happy doing what you're doing, then nobody can tell you you're not successful " harry styles

He rewrote the definition of success

by February 12, 2022


Success is the perfect girlfriend and a great friend. She is bubbly and exuberant. She always knows how to put a smile on your face. She is really pretty and enjoys company. You better keep her because she is one of a kind❣️

Omg dude ur girlfriend is so cool. She’s such a success

by Cooollgyalll October 21, 2018


Catching a level 100 Mewtwo that has full health and your level one Rattata that only knows harden only has 1 HP left. Also, you catch him with a Pokeball.

'My friend caught a Mewtwo in a Pokeball!'
'No way'
'Yeah, see, he told me so himself! What a success. I wish I was as successful as him.'
'He also has seven Arceus in dusk balls and caught them during day'

by MacFeenicks April 20, 2017