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Truth Behind Sarcasm

Using a sarcastic tone to say the truth so that your lie hides in plain sight.

She- I look so fat, don't I?
He- Yea babe, you look like a sumo wrestler!
She- I can sense that TBS

by Honely man November 3, 2021


Type Brown Shit - When you on some brown activities.

Sanika: exists
Everyone else: You on some TBS typeshit bro

by adarshb April 12, 2024


That bitch steps

What’s TBS up to?”

by navajo937392 May 9, 2020

TB Whammy

When you get basically nothing in your Taco Bell food because they don’t pay attention to portions

Man they really pulled a TB Whammy on my ass back there! 5 dollars for some bread and a pinch of lettuce?

by OnBldOnCrp May 20, 2019

I love you with TB

TB is short for Therapeutic Boundaries so “I love you with TB” means I love you with therapeutic boundaries.

This term is very good for people who are not in a relationship to express love and appreciation for each other while still understanding that there are mutual boundaries.

It can be used for any person and saying it to each person means something very different. Boundaries are commonly individualized for each relationship.

A: “I love you with TB. I just want you to know.”
B: “Awww thank you! I love you with TB too!”

by TreeFrog278 June 18, 2023


Abbreviation for either 'Tony Blair; didn't read' or 'Tony Blair; don't read'.

What? Who wrote another article? Nope, I have no opinion on it. TB;DR.

by Tbdr July 15, 2017

TB Fans

A person who calls someone works who is way too generic a copy from someone else works

Person A: Bro this game has grass in it, it's copying that game because it has grass!
Person B: You literally are a TB Fans

by PhotonRBLX December 28, 2022