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Personal Stoner

A personal stoner is a stoner that spends the majority of his time smoking cannabis by his or her self. these kinds of Stoners are more in-tune to themselves, due to the countless hours spent smoking weed alone, they gain a great knowledge of there own personality and themselves as a person. They are mostly anti-social besides there personal friends and tend to act weird around other people.

Joe: so ive been thinking, mike is a personal stoner huh?
cat: Meow
Joe: i mean think about it, hes pretty anti social, i know he smokes weed, and whenever i try to say hi to him he gets all weird and walks away.
cat: meow
Alex (Joe's friend): dude... your high as fuck. you have been talking to your cat this entire time.

by C Jara April 14, 2011

My Person

The one that gets me. The one that sees what no one else bothers to. The one willing to understand past relationship issues that cause a female/male not to want a label. They are trusting, kind, forgiving, and never afraid to show love.The one that calls me out on my shit. The one that keeps me in check without a label. He/she is the perfect match to my crazy. Gentle and emotional without being a push over and able to really Man the fuck up when needed. My person own that male/female who cares enough to hold my hand at the Doctor, and call when I'm not home to make sure I'm safe. The one who makes sure I know I'm beautiful no matter how many times I ask them not to say nice things due to past relationship trauma. My person is hard to get to know but once you let them in they are your best friend, tether to reality, loyal as a mother fucker soul mate all while still not having more than the label of "MY PERSON" but the ones close to us know what it means.

When its closing time, I always go home to my one and only, my person.

by C.falling4.J February 13, 2020

152πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Green Person

They are the people that you trust with most of your life. They have been there through thick and thin. They always have your back.

β€œHe’s my green person, I trust him with almost everything.”

by TackyWonder777 December 28, 2021

81πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

personality thief

A personality thief is a person with a sever lack of knowledge in the how to of being a normal, funtioning social human being. He finds himself leaching off the personality of someone who is socially succesfully at the moment, and adopts their behavior in an attempt to fit in. However, this normally causes a backfire because of the obvious overkill present, and the pitifulness of the unoriginality.

Lashmeeeee: Wow, this is fucking clutch!
Lashmeeeee: "Failed attempt at an inside joke he's not apart of"
Victim: Lashmeeee you faggot, stop stealing my personality and get back in your fucking single!
Lugo: You fucking personality thief!

by Nerdstalker September 17, 2006

39πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

blunt person

The blunt person is the realest person you will ever meet, they don't sugarcoat anything and say what the mean: they usually come of as ride but they're filled with good intentions. They aren't afraid if confrontation and they're mostly the life of the party

Samantha is such a blunt person a boss ass bitch

by Minkfur May 30, 2014

422πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž

Emo (person)

Emo (person)- someone who is more emotional about things than others. Usually listens to Emo (music). Just because someone is emo it doesnt mean they cut themselves some do some dont. People who are emo dont always have to look like it, so the dont all have dark clothing dark hair etc., and not all emo girls are obsessed with sex thank you very much.

emo girl Emo (person)

by Leelo_and_Kota May 2, 2014

864πŸ‘ 137πŸ‘Ž

Fake Person

A hypocritical, ungenuine person whose words and actions are not reflective of their true feelings or intentions.

Despite the fact that Tom didn't value Mike or view him as a friend, Tom pretended to be Mike's friend because he knew Mike would take him on a nice vacation; by doing this, Tom is being a fake person to Mike.

by Chicago_guy_312 July 3, 2013

173πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž