A word to describe sexual intercourse as in "haw my gawd" when things gets hot and heavy in the bedroom.
Hawwww my gawwww you're so good from behind baby!
A well thought out word only used by the realist and a reaction
Your mom sees ur report card "haww"
an expression of enthusiasm or exuberance, usually associated with a country fried feat of Darwinism or some other individual failure related to rural southern life
Billy Ray went full ree-haw when he tried to milk the bull.
When something is awful but funny at the same time and you want to say "that's aaawful" but you laugh while saying it.
oh noooo, that kid just dropped his ice cream scoop on the ground and now he's crying - that's hawful.
Yee, Haw, and Haws are gender-specific pronouns that are typically used to refer to Cowboys or Cowgirls. Yee/haw pronouns may also be used by gender nonconforming, nonbinary, or gender expansive people.
When the traffic raaasclarts you up the batty crease
I was going to be on time, but the traffic has hawed me again