Source Code

reloading the homies

When your mate has had too many rounds of pumping cum into his girlfriend and as a result, has spent nuts. In order to help him continue his night the right way, you wrap your foreskin around the tip of his penis and ejaculate into his urethra, refilling his supply of love juice.

Mum: "Sam? What were you doing with your pants down in the bedroom with Chase? I thought you weren't into that sort of stuff."
Sam: "Oh, don't worry mum. It's not like that, I was just reloading the homies."

by shmuelban03 May 1, 2019


2 dudes that hang out occasionally because their girlfriends are best friends

You guys are hanging out on Saturday again?

Ya, we're not best friends or anything, he's just my homie-in-law

by OreoSleeve June 25, 2023

Hydro Homies

Someone who is in love with staying hydrated

We hydro homies must stick together

by Cancerousking August 16, 2019

53πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Big Homie

A person that everyone in the hood and looks up to; an O.G.

Everyone in the hood respects him. He's a Big Homie!

by Kreepdawg October 18, 2018

96πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

kissing the homies

not gay, totally straight

kissing the homies is when you kiss you homie but it’s not gay cause it’s the homie

by koreabear123 February 7, 2020

37πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

phony homie

a homie who is always letting you down. a bitch ass foo that pretends to be your friend but just wants something from you.

muther fucker i cant count on you, your a phony homie.

by emyke80 May 28, 2010

27πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

homie ditching

the act of ditching your homie for another homie

Yeah, Judy's coming over at 7, but then she's gonna go with Mark at 9 or 10. Man, talk about homie ditching.

by draydayy January 31, 2010