Someone who sits in the living room threatening people.
You know what you are mate your phone tuff, weak and gay at the same time.
When something is so friggin tuff it makes a white tear flow down your leg
Larry: Yo jake lemme play my new song
Larry: "Pop out at 1 in the morning, You really wanna know this kinda life never boring"
Jake : boi ts so friggin tuff
"That's Tuff" meaning something is really bad or good, normally something bad. Originally used by the famous Youtuber SoLLUMINATI. It is also widely used by his fanbase.
Person 1: "Ya, he was getting bullied on the basketball game 2K18."
Person 2: "Dang...Thats Tuff!
a "one size fits all" response to when someone is going through a difficult experience.
That's tuff
‘Twas a night
Where one night stated
Damn my girl cheated on me
And his boy did not know how to respond to that statement
So his home made this revolutionary term
To save us all
“Damn that’s tuff"