Change in address, phone number, IM, or other contact details. Originates in the programmer community where a "pointer" is something that tells you where to look for the real information.
I got a new cell phone and have to send everyone a pointer update so they don't call the old number.
when the retarded green names tags spam everyday untill update 2
greentard; UpdaTE wHen?
any name tags color with right: SHUT UP
Is a former booty ass defensive coordinator for the browns and a former booty ass coach for the Arizona cardbirdie’s who got fired after one season 😂😂
Steve wilks updated (cle bruh: he needs to leave his defense is weak asf ) (Ari: wtf did we do we hired this bum ass just so we can go 3-13? Hell naw he ain’t coming back next season )
What you say to someone you don't like.
You remind me of a software update. When I see you I usually think "not now."
Endersear is YouTube Channel with 20 subscribers and More than nine videos now.Had two community guild line strikes but one went away.
How do I define Endersear(Updated),oh I know it is a Youtube Channel