to vent to someone, about any personal issues (or just a vent itself)
"Hey, can I vent to you about something?"
"I really need to vent to someone"
This is when two or more people decide to compete with abuse stories until one wins by having it worse off than the other.
This is usually done in a group chat and scares off other members without any trauma to vent with.
Person 1- "Did you see the Vent Off in the group chat last night?
Person 2- "No, I was asleep."
The act of camping in a small narrow space with only one way to enter or leave. The "camper" shoots his enemy with ease.
Guy 1: I love playing zombies but I hate it when people always start vent camping.
Guy 2: Ya i know i can never get to them.
When you the "Sussiest Baka " vents but instead gets ejected into the Imposter (your sex mate). Inevitably ending the game proceeding to a black screen than lighting up an emergency button locked In a plastic rubber case, seeming and leaking with white goo, you seeing this continues to try to keep it from breaking. But it doesn't work.
Sussy Baka Venting
Definition: "Provide an outlet for air, gas, or liquid."
When one puts The Devils Lettuce in ones vent of a car and once the AC is turned on, the high follows.
Dave: Yo Derek Im greening out
Derek: yeah I pulled through with the Devils Vent
Dave: no way!
Derek: ya
Dave: epic
Derek: totally
When venting a beer for chugging a little bitch uses a towel so they won't get a booboo.
Hey did you see Ben Macey using that venting towel?
-yeah that kids a huge pussy
when a small cold breeze floats up between the ass cheeks and into ones anal cavity
“I hate air vents, they are always so surprising and make my weewee small”