When you are with your buddies and someone responses “I have to wake up early” to the question “you want another beer?” They are being a little bitch
Hey Chima want another beer?
Nah I have to wake up early tomorrow.
Stop being a little bitch man.
A phrase used to let someone know they need to recognize the severity of their words. They need to accept reality and see they went too far.
"John, you need to wake up and smell the music. You calling Kathy a whore was really mean."
When Cody Lacy Fucks your dad in front of you and your mom is cheering them once
waikiki wake-up call someone.
A sarcastic expression used to communicate veritable nonchalance for a particular activity or thing. This phrase is generally used in conversations aimed at dismantling the positive impact or benefit of saving inconsequential sums of money.
Person 1: Bro, if we hurry and leave for the concert at 7 pm we can get $5 off the price of tickets!
Person 2: Let's take our time and arrive later. I don't wake up in the morning for $5.
Street name for a drug that’s wakes you up or keeps you up . Has you lit all night .
When you shoot and kill someone in the hood
This mf was talkin shit so I had to wake up the block
A dumb mutt who isnt aware of his fuckery in a given situation