Yote Man is the king of the internet, he is superior to everyone in all the 2 and a half universes we have. He can kill you just by saying. "Flippity Floted You Have Been Yoted." He is also the leader of his tribe, "Internet Slayers LMFAOOOOO" He will give you respect if you don't tread on him by joining his brother, "Yeet Man" in his clan "Anti-Memes"
Person 1 : "Did you see Yote Man last night?"
Person 2: "Yeah, he gave me a bag full of middle-aged men."
Person 1: "Nice Lmao"
It is the past tense of Yah yeet
Person 1: this dude Yah yoted me
Person 2:tf does that mean
To kidnap someone on a boat whilst saying the present and past tense of yeet because as we all know it makes everything better.
Sketchy guy: Hey kid yeet yote get on my boat
kid: ok! yeet yote
yotees Is a unique word used by yotees bruhtees which Is something y’all won’t understand
bruhtees I feel sick …yotees that’s wild