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Tell me you know

A Desperate way to ask if someone knows something.

Tell me you know how to tie your shoes


by rock musika September 3, 2021

Oh you know what

A colloquial phrase predominantly used by the millennial and hipster crowd, referring to an underlying, shared, or assumed understanding between the speaker and the listener. It's used to announce that the speaker had a realization on a previous subject.

Tristan: "oh you know what"
Tristan: "I think I know why"
Tristan: "yup we're good"

by Amesbury Company July 24, 2023

You Know Who

A guy with a country accent who is missing a chunk of hair in one spot. You Know Who also always wears black or white.

Look! It's You Know Who! His hear looks really nice today! How does my hair look?

by California Mountain Snake October 6, 2004

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You know what they say

A phrase one would yell out when wishing to pressure a certain individual into entirely consuming their alcoholic beverage/s.

They say "Bottoms up" or "Scull, scull, scull" or "Drink up" or "Don't be a little bitch".
They = party gurls

Come on! B You know what they say! Don't be a little bitch.

by makeamove October 10, 2018

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I will let you know

Something people say when they actually infact never let you know.

Whether its an event, something for sale, or any overall expectation. β€œI will let you know.” Its almost like a curse, its a clear β€œNo”, with a skin of false hope.

James: β€œI will let you know when its available, Mark.”

*10 years later*

Mark: β€œWhat ever happened to it, James?”

James: β€œBro, I told you I will let you know. Be patient.”

by Connor4333 December 13, 2022

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you know m sayinnn

When you’re addressing somebody about something that’s you mean.

I knew my shit didn’t get staled on me messing with y’all man. You Know M Sayinnn

by Brandon Hernandez November 12, 2017

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do you know jack?


no, do you know jack?

by proprioception October 16, 2010

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