Source Code

Runners Fart

When the person running lets out a series of smelly and loud farts on every stride of the leg.

Everytime you put your foot forward you fart.

by Rdrnnr August 21, 2004

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CODMW2 Runner

A person who uses Lightweight, Marathon and Commando, and a tactical Knife in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. Most of these players Will run around the map at crazy speeds to Knife someone from a distance. It Becomes very annoying and these kind of people are not liked very much.

Corey: "Hey joe, did you know that Brandon is a CODMW2 Runner?"

Joe: "Really? What a fag."
Corey "I know i hate him sometimes cause its so cheap"

by soultaker2008 February 11, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dutch Runner

Masturbation in such a manner as the masturbatee holds his own member while someone else (the mastubator) works the arm.

My arm was really tired last night so Jennifer gave me a dutch runner.

by heyoot November 20, 2008

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Homestar Runner

1. A very terrific athlete.
2. Fluffy puff marshmallow spokesman.
3. Proprieter of Homestarrunner.com, and the lesser known homestarrunner.net, ITS DOT COM!
4. Lover of Marzipan, Melonade, and flushy-push marshmallows.
5. Enemy of strong bad.
6. He who speaks with a lisp, wheres a helicopter beanie, has a large overbite, and does not wear pants.

hello, I'm Homestar Runner, and this is a website!

by Jason Osborne August 9, 2003

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a racial derogatory term for an African American which is referring the person to a primate because of the similar body features (head shape, nasal passages, shade of skin, etc.)

"That fucking knuckle-runner, Dwane Garrett catches e every god damn ball."
"I know fool, send that nig back to the jungle."

by Joe T Real January 27, 2008

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Rum Runner

Diarrhea or very soft stool caused by a night out drinking a lot of rum.

Skipped out on the hangover but I can feel a rum runner coming on

by hcguy February 20, 2011

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Idaho runner

a way to say that you are a pimp. Also can be used when asked the question: "Is it Idaho or Udaho?"

"Is it Idaho or Udaho?"
"Idaho runner (I-da-ho runner)."

by Browniezz October 13, 2009

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