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rag shag

n. a sexual encounter with a female when she is actively menstruating.

I was feeling so randy last night that I just had to have a rag shag with my man on our fuck sheets. We screwed for the 6th time in the shower before washing off.

by Berry Flomar January 16, 2004

19πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Shag Rat

A 'shag rat' is a man who cheats on his girlfriend with other women. If he is the type to frequently play away from home he is known as a 'serial shag rat'.


Girl 1: I heard Alana dumped that bloke she was seeing.

Girl 2: Yeah what a tosser he turned out to be a complete shag rat!

by Romany Ravenflame July 5, 2009

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

shag room

a room where a lot of hooking-up occurs.

At the party I was forced to sleep in the shag room, and the bed gave me herpegonnosyphilaids.

by Nick D April 6, 2003

16πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

shag tag

A game much beloved of students whereby the ultimate purpose is to end up in bed with a total stranger. As you do. Basically you turn up to the pub and get given a number (all blokes have even numbers and all girls have odds or vice versa). From this relative safety of anonymity you can leave a message up on a board, something of profound intellectual significance like "Number 31 you are really fit" or "fancy a shag Number 25?" Hopefully there will be so much booze going round that sex is inevitable, and you're guaranteed to wake up in the morning feeling slightly disgusted with yourself and quite possibly an STD. Great fun.

I went to that shag tag last night, ended up with the clap.

by James B June 21, 2004

237πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž

Shag Bands

Jelly bracelets that come in many different varieties of colours, if you snap a persons 'shag band' they mean a variety of different things:
Yellow - hug.
Pink - hickey.
Orange/purple - kiss.
Red - lap dance.
Green/blue - oral.
Clear - whatever the other person wants.
Black - sex.
White - flash.

5 shag bands for a quid

by Zib_Zab March 22, 2009

1108πŸ‘ 416πŸ‘Ž

Shag Flag

A tattoo above a woman's crotch

I could see her shag flag above her low cut jeans

by R800rider September 13, 2008

ragdoll shag

when ur roughly shag a person until they can’t feel any part of their body therefore making them a ragdoll

emma: steve proper ragdoll shagged me last night i couldn’t feel any of my limbs

by jonjo shelley August 20, 2021