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Alec Baldwined

Hitting the person behind the camera with deadly force.

Damn, that guy filming just got Alec Baldwined.

by Leek M. Deek January 15, 2022

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Alec Baldwin

A great Parent and role model for eveyone.

Alec Baldwins Daughter is an ungreatful little pig

by LittleSean May 27, 2007

186๐Ÿ‘ 199๐Ÿ‘Ž

Alec Hess

A very large specimen that is beleived to be human, although no one is really sure. Speaks many different languages and has hawk eyes. Likes to smoke weed and listen to popular 80's speed metal band Megadeth. Dunked in 3 basketball games.

Damn, Alec Hess is really tight!!!!!!

by MilkMan420_Thrasher March 3, 2007

7๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Alec Kerr

A specimen closely related to Matthew Perry for his general whiteness.

Alec Kerr: I'm the blackest person here.
Person 1: Please, you're practially Matthew Perry

by matthewperry578 September 7, 2009

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Alec Baldwin

A dude; a gent; a cool guy who manages to keep coming back and attaining professional success in spite of numerous professional and personal failings causes by bad judgment and a complete lack of foresight.

A guy of wisdom, stamina, and good taste gained through numerous failures and comebacks.

v. To make come backs from numerous failures brought on by the exercise of poor judgment.

Guy 1: "Dude, your uncle Ray is amazing! He's been married and divorced 4 times, and now he's with that hot 26 year old bette. He has a master's degree in microbiology, but he works as a clerk at a gas station. Yet somehow he is pulling in $90 large a year and driving that sweet Audi. How does he do it, man?"
Guy 2: "He's a total Alec Baldwin!"

Patient: "Doc, what am I gonna do? In the last month I've lost my wife, my house, my job, and I've been to jail for insider trading!! My life is fucked!"
Psychiatrist: "What you're gonna do is stop whining, and pull an Alec Baldwin!"

by Billy Beck O'Hannity March 30, 2010

44๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž

Alec Garcia

Light haired midget with no real friends

โ€œOh man that guy is suck an Alec Garcia

by Bruh this is gay October 6, 2021

kโ€™s alec

A person that can make your whole world stop. Itโ€™s pretty cliche to say but anyone who has a brain would drop everything for this person. They can be forgetful at times but itโ€™s truly adorable. The way the bob their head to music when singing is something you shouldnโ€™t pass up on seeing. When a smile engulfs their face and their eyes sparkle like a childโ€™s when talking about something they love is nothing short to perfect. Now if i were to go into detail about this idiot, iโ€™d honestly never stop.

k adores kโ€™s alec

by kry stal September 7, 2021