a person that is a slave and still lives in his mom basement and has no money
hey fine girl can i get your number
no your a scrub
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A Scrub is a guy who thinks he's fly (also known as a buster) -- stick by "what they want", and usually sit on a broken tail bone.
Also a term to describe Shoto-players
Capcom misprinted movelist marquees in the mid 90s for their fighting games to read "mash (punch/kick) for extra damage" (see: Ken's Kick Super) . People would mash keys to gain more points out of supers; even for supers where this feature wouldn't work.
in SF2, people tried getting out of dizzy combos by mashing the buttons, which meant they were being dizzy combo'd to death constantly, and probably sucked.
This term reached popular misuse within online games (StarCraft/TFC/ Disney ToonTown), when nerds started filing for the internet in droves, because their fighting game skills sucked. Nerds on Bnet/Quake/Halo would become shut-ins and 'remake' fighting game terms to fit online games, where they naturally have nothing to do with them. The proper and only term they're looking for is "n00b".
1) "Are you a bogan, or a scrub?"
"I'm on the bus so I'm a bogan, but I've got to see doct about my butt, idk"
2)"omg I'm being thrown!"
"Want a brillo pad Scrub?"
"Why do you keep sniping me, scrub?"
"Scrub? This is TFC, n00b".
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Anyone that who lives, acts, and has qualities like a bum. The term is most used when a scrub is talking out of place. Scrubs are usually the people that people refer to as "losers".
Some times these bum-like loser that are now known as scrubs, at times think they are more than something than what they are, and try to hide the fact they are scrubs. You don't want to have anything to do with scrubs! When you're needing to identify a scrub, refer to this page for examples.
Most would agree a scrub is anyone who looks, acts, lives, is anything like, or can resemble Blake Fisher.
If you disagree, or questioning, you most likely don't know him.
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a girl who doesnt appreciate the ways of a true frat daddy. Usually vegan, usually a skyrim nerd
magical german vegan bean comedians are scrubs
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To use, and or inhale the smoke that is given off by the marijuana plant.
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the male version of the fat ugly chick who is best friends with the pretty popular chick. she thinks she can get a guy that way, or maybe just some attention, because her friend is showered in everything she's ever wanted. but it is just not so. truth be told, everyone's sitting there going 'ha ha look at that fat chick, she is so ugly. even more ugly compared to her pretty friend'.
think of the line in the tlc song about the guy hangin out his 'best friends ride'.
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Referring to playing video games, when you are beating someone, and the opponent complains about everything. A person who doesn't play the game to win, but to complain.
Bob-" Haha, do you like that finisher?"
Bill-" Dude, your too cheap, and my counter didn't work right, you're to cheap, all you do is attack and defend"
Bob -" Stop being a Scrub"
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