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Precious gifts from God that should be cherished.

Psalm 127:3 Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him.

by Cate September 2, 2003

95๐Ÿ‘ 156๐Ÿ‘Ž


Horrible little creatures from 'God' (if there is one). Retarded people think they're cute. What's so cute about a little machine that cries, pisses and shits everywhere?

They're also the cause of suicide. See post-natal depression.

I'm never going to have a baby. I want a life thank you very much.

by S..A..R..A the drummer girl July 21, 2006

33๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž


Lumps of meat and fat that u have to feed titty milk bc a guys pull out game is weak

Damn that baby is fat as fuck
That man got some weak ass pull out game, I mean look 5 kids like what the fuck

by Phantomwarrior March 26, 2020


Little alimentary canals with zero responsibility.

John Doe is like a baby - all he does is eat and sleep.

by Khechomuni September 17, 2017


When you ready to settle down but you still got things you need to get out ur system.

You my baby not my bae

by @spadesbaby December 13, 2017


An evil, evil thing. A destroyer of worlds, the great Abyss. The Original Sin. When you see a baby on the street, pull out your cross, and run. When you see a baby in the park, in a coffee shop, or anywhere for that matter, you karate chop that motherfuckef into oblivion. For a baby is a thing to be feared and terrified of, not to happy of and worshipped.

Dear God! It's a fucking baby!

by Carroll Creedon November 25, 2021


disgusting humans that came because to straight people decide they were hungry

Dave: im hungry
Charlotte: wanna have a baby?

by queerqueef May 28, 2021