Source Code


Male masturbation. Think of the appearance of the penis.

I was really bashing-the-bishop watching the Britney Spears video.

by Paulpot June 15, 2006

20๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nonce Bashing

An activity performed in prison-
When a new prisoner enters jail, the other cons will instantly become aware that he is different- he is usually overweight, middle aged, balding and a social recluse. Because he is not the usual 'hard case' prisoner, the others will become aware that something is wrong. After a brief investigation, the prisoners will, correctly or incorrectly, assume he is a nonce (one who fiddles kids). This will rapidly lead to a 'nonce bashing' - an extremely violent form of vigilante justice, performed away from the guards, in some dark corner of the jail. This usually leads to death or serious brain damage.
Only performed on sex offenders, never on those who may have committed 'worse' crimes such as murder or regicide, because these are more 'manly' and commmon crimes. also a murderer is likely to put up more of a fight than a nonce.

CONVICT1- "what's up with thatPeter Phile bloke?"
CONVICT2- "He's a nonce."

by Gwando November 11, 2003

48๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

chav bashing

The act beating the shit out of a chav, a popular past time with the youth of England

"What are you doing tonight?"
"Thought I'd go chav bashing, up for it?"

by Phreakk November 11, 2007

224๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž

bush bashing

The just and reasonable critisism of the unelected 'president' for reasons which are also relevant. Included are a number of equally true allegations such as:
1.) that he resembeles a chimp
2.) that he is a retard
3.) That he should keep church and state separate and stop fucking around
4.) That he choked on a pretzel (I mean, he choked on a fucking pretzel, dear God!)
5.)That he is a mindless thrall of corporate interests.
6.)and let us not forget, that he got out of vietnam, was given a college education, and was given a firm footing in politics due entirely to his fathers influence, as well as his own pathetic maleability.

That motherfucker cut my medicaid!

by His Holiness, Constantine Vidal August 30, 2005

351๐Ÿ‘ 155๐Ÿ‘Ž

bashing the bishop

hand shandy, wanking, male masturbation

"oh dear Godfrey, look at the arse on that!! I am going straight home to bash he bishop"

by Karawaque July 25, 2003

81๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


A latino rapper with some sexy green eyes and with a sexy deep ass vioce

U can just listen to his voice and tell he is a sexy motherfucker.

by Chrisina March 20, 2004

163๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž

Obama Bashing

A great way to spend the next 4 years. It isn't difficult as he bashes himself.

Obama pitcher gonna be on the fi-dollah foo-stamp! Is an example of an Obama bashing

by ghost3x7 April 20, 2009

369๐Ÿ‘ 165๐Ÿ‘Ž